Kamis, 12 Mei 2011 19.54
Category: Breanne Düren
Last night I swear I couldn't find you anywhere
Little did I know you had already left
And I wonder what happens next now that you have gone
Guess you'll just find some way to get along
No more waiting by the telephone
But not to say that I was ever left alone
When everything I would ever do would be looking after you
But these eyes have looked away
Hearts beating faster and very rosy cheeks
Fallen around so that I could hardly see,
How quickly fading it was for me to be your baby
Now maybe it's just a memory
No more waiting by that telephone
But not to say that I was ever left alone
And no more listening to your favorite songs
But not to say that they didn't play for long
When everything I would ever do would be looking after you
But these eyes have looked away
Little did I know you had already left
And I wonder what happens next now that you have gone
Guess you'll just find some way to get along
No more waiting by the telephone
But not to say that I was ever left alone
When everything I would ever do would be looking after you
But these eyes have looked away
Hearts beating faster and very rosy cheeks
Fallen around so that I could hardly see,
How quickly fading it was for me to be your baby
Now maybe it's just a memory
No more waiting by that telephone
But not to say that I was ever left alone
And no more listening to your favorite songs
But not to say that they didn't play for long
When everything I would ever do would be looking after you
But these eyes have looked away
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